Sunday 1 July 2007

Indonesian inspiration

We have travelled to Indonesia this week, to the island of Lombok, where we have been learning about homes and lifestyles as part of our 'One World Week'.

Because Andrew lived there, he was able to tell us all about it (with a little help from his mum!) They showed us how their house could fit into our classroom - and there wasn't an upstairs. We are all sitting in the reception room in the picture above.

The pictures below show the bedrooms and the bathroom. The children's jumpers are cusions that you sit on in the living room. But where is the kitchen? You'll have to ask Andrew if you want the answer!

We have enjoyed making some jewellery and batik pictures this week.

During this week we remembered about the devestation caused by the tsunami when we listened to some stories about this terrible natural disaster. We learned how brave people have been and how much some have lost.

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